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Friday, October 21, 2011

Robotic sailboats built to clean up oil spills

  In April of last year a semi-submersible Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 men, injuring 17 others and triggering what is generally recognized as the largest unforeseen marine oil catastrophe since people started drilling for oil. By the time the leak was capped in July 2010, enough oil to fill 4.9 million barrels covered the Gulf in a toxic slick. After visiting the oil spill in June 2010, Cesar Harada decided to leave MIT in Boston to develop an open source oil spill cleaning robot.I think that these robots will help clean the Gulf

Thursday, October 13, 2011

    The founder of ( Armadillo Aerospace) issued a challenge to launch a rocket to more than 100,000 feet , get a GPS reading from up there, and recover the launch vehicle, and win $5,000 . Some other causes pushed the Carmack prize to roughly $10,000. And in this video, Derek Deville claims it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Micro air vehicles[ MAVs] make for an exciting option for intelligence and other agencies looking to secretly gather information or send surveillance gadgets without being discovered. But MAVs are usually modeled after small birds or insects they are descently unstable in flight and difficult to move in cluttered places.The Pentagon is handing out research papers to make the little robotic bugs more stable by making them more bug-like.