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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Undetectable Submarines

Defense systems can detect stealth submarines using two methods: sonar, which bounces sound waves off a craft, and radar, which can identify subtle disturbances on or below the ocean’s surface that can indicate a sub at depth. Now scientists are making sound and fluid cloaking methods that could defeat both detectors.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How do you store photos, documents, videos, etc.? I really don't use the computer that often to know how to do any of that ! I'm not used to doing things like that, if I were i would probably break it .My older sister and mom does that stuff to up date their facebook status photo's,I don't have one.Tagging- to furnish with a tag or tags; attach a tag to.Bookmarking-a link to a Web site address saved electronically in a browser for quick access to the web  
page.The two are important in this digital age because it saves time by passing through events to get to the one page you need to use.

The New GlucoDock For iPhone

 Nano sensors can patrol your bloodstream for the first sign of at stroke or heart attack, releasing anticlotting or anti-inflammatory drugs to stop it in its tracks. Cell phones that display your vital signs and take ultrasound images of your heart or stomach.It can also take genetic scans of hurtfull cells that match your cancer to the most effective treatment.